
Federal Register Notice: Maritime Advisory Committee to Meet in May (4/28)

April 28, 2008

The Maritime Advisory Committee for Occupational Safety and Health (MACOSH) announced on Friday, April 25, 2008, in the Federal Register that it plans to meet May 20-21 in Jacksonville, Fla. The Shipyards, Longshoring, Cranes and Falls, Outreach and Safety Culture, and Health workgroups will meet on Tuesday, May 20, 2008 to discuss an OSHA activities update, and review achievements of the committee during the last two years, with reports from each workgroup, according to the release

The notice also said the group may discuss the following topics based on the workgroup reports:
  • Spray paint standards and hot work on coatings;
  • The Shipbreaking guidance document;
  • Electrical standards;
  • The roll-on roll-off cargo guidance document;
  • The International Maritime Organization's initiative on cargo-lashing safety;
  • The flat-rack guidance document;
  • Working over water from aerial work platforms;
  • Working under a suspended load;
  • The barge safety guidance document;
  • Leading indicators;
  • Substance abuse; and
  • Radiation exposure in marine terminals.
For further information about the meeting, contact: Joseph V. Daddura, director, Office of Maritime, OSHA, U.S. Department of Labor, Room N-3609, 200 Constitution Avenue, NW., Washington, DC 20210; or call (202) 693-2086.