
Direct your employees to OSHA's Web site

April 26, 2002
Why not? Fully 68 million American adults use government agency Web sites, according to a recent report by the Pew Internet & American Life Project.

And nearly half of government site users (49 percent) seek health and safety advice from government sources. OSHA's site (www.osha.gov) is a tremendous resource for workers to learn more about safety topics from asbestos to wood dust. A "Workers' Page" offers info on employee rights and responsibilities.

Most Americans use government sites for more personal reasons: finding campsites at national parks, tax information and how to fight the flu (try the Centers for Disease Control's Web site).

Government sites can also help answer your employees' questions and concerns about health issues like toxic mold and pollution sources close to home.

Researchers are calling this trend "The Rise of the E-Citizen," and as someone on the receiving end of many employee questions and complaints, you might want to stay one step ahead of the rise of the e-employee. More details on the Pew report can be found at www.pewinternet.org.