How to create an effective arc flash training program

The Master Lock Company showcases electrical safety & arc flash services at ASSP Safety 2022

June 28, 2022

With two years of the COVID-19 pandemic impacting how businesses evaluate employee safety and with 2,000 workers treated for arc flash related injuries each year, now is the time for businesses to consider protocols like electrical safety to further protect their workers. At the 2022 ASSP Safety Conference in Chicago, The Master Lock Company is highlighting its Arc Flash and Electrical Safety Services, an end-to-end offering that helps companies of all sizes mitigate electrical hazards and achieve regulatory compliance. 

Master Lock’s arc flash and electrical safety experts counsel businesses through the whole process with hands-on attention. The end-to-end services include arc flash assessments, infrared (IR) scanning, electrical safety training, and auditing. All of which help mitigate the hazards of a potential arc flash event and help businesses achieve compliance with NFPA 70E®, OSHA 29 CFR 1910 Subpart S and the National Electric Code.

“As facilities continue to operationally return to normal, it’s important for businesses to reevaluate and reconsider potential safety hazards and risks that workers can be exposed to,” said Bill Belongea, safety services program manager at The Master Lock Company. “Arc flash and other electrical injuries are a common hazard in many work environments – and while businesses can’t avoid incidents all together, they can implement proven policies and procedures to significantly reduce the risk to their employees.”

With services that follow OSHA and NFPA 70E standards, businesses can take a first step in achieving compliance with an arc flash risk assessment. The assessment includes collecting data to create an accurate one-line diagram representing the electrical distribution system for the entire plant or facility. Additionally, licensed professional electrical engineers follow the requirements of IEEE 1584 and NFPA 70E to perform short circuit and protective device coordination studies, calculate incident energy at each piece of equipment, identify opportunities to mitigate arc flash, and create and apply the arc flash warning labels.

The Master Lock Company enhances its arc flash risk assessment with comprehensive evaluation and guidance to implement effective electrical safety programs. Services include electrical safety policy development, IR thermography inspection, electrical audits and NFPA 70E compliance training. 

Safety professionals at the 2022 ASSP Safety Conference can stop by The Master Lock Company booth (#616) from June 27-29 to learn more about Master Lock Electrical Safety Services and other end-to-end lockout products and services. For more information, visit the Arc Flash and Electrical Safety Services or Lockout Tagout Solutions sections on MasterLock.com.