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Oil & Gas Industry Safety, Vol. 4

Oil & Gas Industry Safety, Vol. 4

March 1, 2017

In recent years, the oil and gas industry has skyrocketed, plummeted, and in 2017 shows signs of reviving. This comeback will result in many health and safety risks as many laid off workers have moved on to other jobs and careers, and many new hires will have little or no field experience. The most publicized risk of course is represented by the Deepwater Horizon tragedy, and in this eBook we review the recent film version and look into the fact versus fiction angle.

But the high injury and fatality rates in the oil and gas industry have declined in recent years, partly due to the industry downturn, increased automation, and increased investments in occupational safety and health cutting-edge best practices. Several case studies in this eBook point out organizational safety and health cultures, and the use of new safety and health technologies. The issues of vehicle safety, distracted driving, job stress and fatigue are covered in a dramatic, real-life story from West Texas.

The oil and gas industry’s hazards and mitigation strategies offer lessons learned for many other industries in terms of motor vehicle safety, distracted driving, fatigue management, falls, ergonomic injuries, lone worker safety, confined spaces, and chemical exposures. Certainly any safety and health professional will benefit from reading the safety program case studies of Western Hot Oil and Standard Energy. And check out the industry’s 2017 top safety goals, hazards and challenges as revealed in ISHN’s exclusive research conducted for this eBook – they are the same issues shared by professionals across many industry segments.

Thank you to all the subject matter experts who contributed to this eBook, with a special mention going to Scott Bain at Texas Mutual Insurance Company, who graciously arranged for ISHN to reprint articles posted by the Texas Oil & Gas Safety Association.

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