There is a new hi-tech device in town revolutionizing spill clean-ups - eliminating slip & fall accidents and changing how the world cleans up spills and wet areas
Say hello to – SPILL MASTER™ from Wic-Dry Technologies
Traditional methods of using a mop & bucket or spill kit to clean up spills usually cause more harm than good; the spill area gets spread out creating a greater hazard area which leads to more slip & fall accidents and cross contamination of hazardous substances. These inefficient methods lead to personal injuries, property damage, disruption of businesses and increases in liability insurance rates.
TO THE RESCUE – SPILL MASTER™! Wic-Dry Technologies’ World-Wide Patent pending technology evacuates all types of liquid spills (beverages, blood, urine, even gasoline and chlorine), including higher viscosity substances (such as; shampoos, motor oil and paints) and does so in seconds (not minutes), and deposits the waste in self-contained reservoirs – so there is no spread of the hazard or cross contamination of the spill substance. The World is always improving with new technology which now holds true for cleaning up spills and wet areas.
Developed out the need to reduce the number of Slip & Fall Accidents (25,000 per Day in North America - reported by the National Safety Council), the Spill Master™ brings Wic-Dry™ Technology to every day businesses; schools, hospitals, restaurants, hotels, grocery stores, factories, warehouses… anywhere spills and wet areas are common occurrences. Moreover, by removing the liquid substance in seconds, the Spill Master eliminates the need for facilities to put out a “Caution – Wet Floor” signs which is an eye sore and a hazard in itself for any walk-way area. Per the Flooring Industry’s “SCOF” Standard – Independent 3rd Party Lab Test Results prove the Spill Master outperforms String and Flat Mops by 99.99% in drying a floor to be safe to walk on. String and Flat Mops take 11.8 to 9.1 minutes (respectively) to dry a floor to be safe to walk on - where the Spill Master takes only 30 seconds! THIS IS HUGE WHEN IT COMES TO FLOOR SAFETY!
The Spill Master™ has several inventive attachments to evacuate wet areas caused by spills, leaks or wet areas from broken pipes, toilet overflows or from rain and snow storms that are common in lobbies, bathrooms, exam rooms, labs, airports, public facilities, etc…. It is the most versatile liquid evacuation tool to keep on hand at all times for spill accidents that occur every day!
Mark Hearsh, Esq., Director of Marketing & Sales and the company’s General Counsel sees the Spill Master™ as the Spill Removal Tool for the 21st Century that will not only dramatically reduce the number of Slip & Fall Accidents, but also reduce the costs businesses spend each year on liability insurance premiums, liability claims, Workers Comp and loss work days all due to costly injuries from Slip & Fall Accidents. He further states the “Spill Master™ is changing how the World cleans up spills - no need to bring out a dirty mop & bucket or messy spill kits or even a hazard caution sign.
Manufactured in the USA, the Spill Master™ is built to commercial standards and can run continuously for over 3 hours on a single charge. It is light weight (6.5 lbs) for easy portability, is quiet (33dBA) and self-sanitizes to keep the unit clean and ready for use at all times. The Spill Master™ is the one device every business needs to keep on-hand when unfortunate spills and leaks occur.
To learn more about the Spill Master™ and see it in Action, visit: www.wic-drytechnologies.com or Contact: mark.spillmaster@comcast.net.