Clean Power Plan changes will harm public health, says American Lung Association
American Lung Association National President and CEO Harold P. Wimmer issued this statement responding to the announcement by the EPA that the agency is seeking comments on options for replacing the Clean Power Plan:
"First, EPA proposed to revoke the Clean Power Plan, and now they have signaled their intention to replace the Plan with far weaker standards. The Clean Power Plan would have prevented up to 90,000 childhood asthma attacks and 4,500 premature deaths every year once fully implemented. Instead of implementing these lifesaving standards, EPA is moving toward a dangerous proposal previously rejected: an 'inside the fenceline' approach that only limits emissions at power plants themselves. Research has shown that doing so would not only be woefully inadequate to limit carbon pollution from power plants, but could result in increases of other deadly power plant emissions that cause asthma attacks, heart attacks, strokes and premature deaths.
"The American Lung Association stands committed to meaningful action to reduce deadly power plant pollution and address climate change in order to safeguard the health of all Americans. We spoke out at EPA's recent public hearings conveying our strong opposition to the proposal to revoke the Clean Power Plan, and will continue to fight to ensure that any replacement offers the same or greater carbon reductions and health benefits."
Source: The American Lung Association