foot pain

Tips for dealing with sore feet on the job

September 7, 2017

Many jobs require a whole lot of time on your feet. After a long day of pounding, everything can hurt from heel to toe. Whether you are a nurse, a food server, a chef, a sales person or a construction worker, you know the discomfort and pain that can be caused by sore feet on the job.

Some workers may have specific conditions like plantar fasciitis, Morton’s neuroma, or Tarsal Tunnel syndrome. Some of you may be experiencing aching, numbness, burning, itching, throbbing and tingling. No matter how your feet feel, the work must go on. In order to keep going on your feet all day, here are a few tips:

• If your job requires you to stand in one spot or in a very small area for hours on end, you might want to consider special floor mats. An extra layer of cushioning between your feet and the cold, hard ground can not only make your feet happier, but can also make your whole body happier too. Chefs, in particular, really recognize the value of good quality floor mats. If you look in any professional kitchen, you will probably see a few feet standing on a mat.  Gel mats seem to be the most popular type. Maybe your work station or even your home could use one or two?

• If you are on the go, covering ground, many people with sore feet at work use shoe insoles. Compared to the cost of a good pair of shoes, insoles offer an affordable solution for sore feet on the job. Unfortunately, the insoles are not built to last more than three months with really heavy use or six months with moderate use. If coupled with a good, supportive shoe, the insole will last longer and feel even better.

• Good shoes are worth every penny if you need to spend a majority of your day on your feet and on the move. For workers who need a safety shoe or boot, look for the ones with the curved soles. The curvature of the sole reduces the amount of stress on the joints and ligaments in the foot because this curvature rolls the foot along from the moment the heel strikes the ground to the moment the toes lift off.

• Even good shoes cannot overcome adversities like obesity. Obesity is probably one of the biggest causes of foot pain. By reducing the amount of weight your feet have to endure all day long, you might experience less pain at the end of the day. And if you are carrying too much weight on your frame, you should definitely be wearing good, supportive shoes.

Nothing is more distracting then really sore feet on the job. You might not be able to focus on your work if all your mind can think about is getting off your feet, taking your shoes off and putting your feet up. But the work must go on. If your feet are in pain, think about how to increase the amount of cushioning underneath your feet with floor mats or insoles. If you need to move around a lot, you will also need to think about support in a well-built shoe that can help keep you rocking.

Source: www.healthcentral.com