oil rig

How the oil industry can manage infectious disease outbreaks

September 7, 2016

The IPIECA -- The global oil and gas industry association for environmental and social issues -- and the International Association of Oil & Gas Producers (IOGP) have put together a manual to help oil and gas companies effectively deal with disease outbreaks.

Close quarters

Infectious disease outbreak management provides guidance for the prevention, identification and control of infectious disease outbreaks in locations where personnel live and work together in close quarters, such as on offshore installations,on-board ships and at remote camps.

It addresses facility preparations for an outbreak, investigation of the outbreak, transportation of affected personnel and provides advice on reviewing lessons learned to enable continuous improvement in the management of infectious diseases.

Tools and training

The appendices contain management tools, training resources and awareness training tools that can support those dealing with infectious disease outbreaks.

Click here to download the manual