
International Glove Association Announces 2016 Second Quarter Market Data for industrial hand protection

September 1, 2016

The International Glove Association has released Market Data illustrating the differences in both industrial hand protection import volume and import value between 2016 Q2 and 2015 Q2.

The IGA believes this information is very valuable to those in the safety industry, as data provides an opportunity to analyze multiple glove categories and sub categories, giving every IGA member additional information to better plan for the upcoming year.

"The market data provided by the International Glove Association is the only up-to-date source of information I have found and has provided me with an invaluable tool for understanding the industrial hand production marketplace." said Brent Fidler, President & CEO of Southern Glove, Inc. "Strategic planning would be almost impossible without this resource and I feel that the data alone is worth the cost of member fees to the IGA."

In addition to 2016 Q2 MARKET DATA, the IGA has ANNUAL Market Data from 2002 through 2015, as well as quarterly reports beginning in 2013. All of this data is available at www.iga-online.com or by calling the International Glove Association at 814-328-5208.

About the IGA

The International Glove Association in a nonprofit organization dedicated to protecting people from hand and arm injuries. Together, we have the expertise, experience, and understanding that can only be found in a cohesive group of suppliers, manufacturers, distributors, and end users. Every IGA member brings their own strengths and wisdom to the table. Whether developing educational materials, presenting during conferences, or weighing in on standards and test methods, this unified group strives to provide the answers and solutions employers need to know to keep their employees safe.