Even in regions that traditionally experience milder winter weather conditions, changing climate patterns are leading to deep freezes and snowstorms that disrupt operations and lead to increased safety risks.
Employers are responsible for protecting their workers from cold stress and other winter injuries. Learn how to keep workers safe when working in freezing temperatures.
Changing seasons can bring a plethora of hazards to a workplace, especially when it comes to winter weather. Some of the most common accidents that can occur as a result of winter conditions are slips, trips and falls.
In this article, we’re going to talk about how you can keep yourself warm and protected from the cold of winter. We’ll devote specific attention to the different levels of warmth protection that today’s winter gear has to offer and show you the basics of how to make the right choice for you.
This article has pertinent information to help you make the best hand protection choices. Information that will help you stay warm during those wet and wintry work days.
Just about everywhere, workers must remain mindful of the weather to stay safe while working outdoors. For much of the U.S. and Canada, winter brings more than cold. Work environments present multiple challenges for individuals who must work outside.
As we reach the cold depths of winter, it’s important to consider workplace hazards and FR protection. Consider a winter PPE plan for workers in cold-weather areas who may be exposed to arc flash and other conditions that require FR protective clothing.
With winter officially upon us, freezing temperatures can be expected across many parts of the country. In some areas, exceptionally cold weather will linger indefinitely, while other regions will experience freeze-thaw cycles.
Winter precipitation can bring an increased risk for slips and falls on the ice and snow. Julia Henderson-Kalb, M.S., OTR/L, an instructor in the Department of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy at Saint Louis University, recommends some simple steps to minimize fall risk.