Safety in Amazon warehouses has been scrutinized by the media in recent years, particularly for interactions between humans and robots. TechCrunch reports that the online retail giant has been introducing a new worker safety wearable to 25+ sites to prevent accidents involving robotic systems in their warehouses.
While consumers participate enthusiastically in Prime Day, a sales bonanza staged each year by Amazon, the company’s workers regard it with something less than enthusiasm.
The $5 billion in sales the world’s biggest online retailer is predicted to generate over the 2-day event is expected to exacerbate what are alleged to be already stressful conditions for the company’s employees.
Why do so many workers and building occupants die from falling through plastic skylights? Why do we have a line item on falling through skylights, average about 16-20/year work deaths in the USA through 2017?
If something doesn't bring you joy, popular wisdom advises to get rid of it. Yet, supply chain managers don't have that luxury. Everything in their inventories has a reason to be there. That means organizing is much more complicated than for the average homeowner, and much more important.
Industrial facilities are inherently dangerous places. In fact, according to the National Safety Council, workplace injuries account for nearly $190 billion in losses annually.
After a worker was killed in September 2014 by electrocution at Seldat Distribution Inc. in Dayton, N.J., OSHA investigators found 10 serious violations at the warehouse. The fatality was caused by an improperly wired, powered conveyer system.
DuPont Sustainable Solutions launched two new safety programs that highlight the vital link between a clean, organized environment and a safe, productive workplace.
Warehouse company allegedly responded with intimidation
July 29, 2013
Workers at a Mira Loma, California warehouse that ships goods for Walmart launched a two-day strike last week to protest alleged unsafe working conditions and retaliation against workers who complained about those conditions.