47K deaths per year v. billions to remove the substance
July 20, 2015
The total number of asbestos-related deaths in Europe could peak at 47,000 per year -- 50% higher than previously believed and double the number of deaths caused by road accidents – according to an expert who spoke last month at a conference entitled, Freeing Europe Safely from Asbestos.
Psychosocial and musculoskeletal risk factors are the most widespread in Europe’s workplaces, according to the Second European Survey of Enterprises on New and Emerging Risks (ESENER-2). The results of this survey — which collected responses from almost 50,000 workplaces — were unveiled earlier this month at the European Parliament.
In the run-up to the April 28th commemoration of International Workers’ Memorial Day – also known as World Day for Safety and Health at Work - the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) is criticizing the European Commission’s failure to promote occupational cancer prevention measures.
Manufacturers must prove compliance throughout supply chain or risk losing market access
August 27, 2014
The Association of Equipment Manufacturers (AEM) is expanding its REACH regulatory-compliance training program to help members and the industry comply with the complex Conflict Minerals and Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS) rules.
Greek Labour Minister calls for greater investment in OSH
June 19, 2014
The Labour Minister of Greece said workplace accidents cost his country more than a billion euros a year – and that doesn’t include the cost of treatments and permanent disability benefits.
In its 2013 annual report, the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA) demonstrates that it has continued to successfully promote the economic benefits of investing in workplace safety and health by stressing the importance of working together.
Greenhouse gas emissions in European Union (EU) nations decreased by 1.3 percent in 2012, putting the EU within reach of its 20 % reduction target, with eight years to go until the 2020 deadline.
One side says certain regulations hinder economic growth and pose a “burden” for companies. The other says those regulations protect workers’ health and safety. Sound familiar?
The European social model is more important than ever to help tackle the jobs crisis in Europe, participants were told at the joint EU agencies and European Parliament event on the European social model and competitiveness in Brussels on 25 September 2013.
The European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA) brings its campaign on ‘Working together for risk prevention’ to a close at a major conference in Bilbao on 11 and 12 November 2013.