Two prominent authors are scheduled to speak at Safety 2014, coming up June 8-11 in Orlando, Florida. Charles Duhigg, a Pulitzer prize winning business reporter at The New York Times (business section), will speak at the Opening General Session on Monday, June 9. Duhigg is the author of "The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business," about the science of habit formation among individuals, companies & societies.
It’s not too early to start marking your calendar and gathering information about the professional conferences you plan on attending in 2014. Here’s a sampling of the occupational safety and health-related conventions scheduled for this year.
Deadline for Safety 2014 PDC proposals is TOMORROW
July 18, 2013
If you’ve been intending to submit a proposal to speak at the American Society of Safety Engineers’ (ASSE) 2014 Professional Development Conference, the time to do so is now.
Stories from Safety 2013, European oil & gas news, another deadly explosion
June 29, 2013
With ISHN Editor Dave Johnson’ reports from ASSE’s Safety 2013, this was a HUGE week for EHS-related news on Whether you went to the convention and couldn’t make every session (who could?) or whether you didn’t make it to Vegas, you can catch up here on all the hot topics that were talked about at Safety 2013 and also review the breaking EHS news from around the world.
Risk assessment. The Future of Risk Control. Integrated Risk Management. Risk Management and Product Safety. Risk Management and Risk Elimination. Risk Management Forum. Risk Factors. Risk Management 101. Risk Managers From Mars. “We have 15 risk-related sessions at Safety 2013,” says incoming American Society of Safety Engineers’ President Kathy A. Seabrook, CSP, president of Global Solutions, Inc. “You are right to think ‘risk’ is a focus for the safety profession.“
A week before the American Society of Safety Engineers’ (ASSE) Safety 2013 conference and exposition opened for business at the Las Vegas Convention Center, registration was at more than 4,000 attendees. The expo was filled by approximately 550 exhibitors taking up more than 89,000 square feet of exhibit space.
The theme for this year’s International Society for Fall Protection (ISFP) symposium – which immediately follows Safety 2013 – is “Don’t Play the Odds.” Organizers promise that it will challenge the complacency that is often related to fall hazard risk.
From sustainability to risk assessment to residential fall protection, Safety 2013 sessions will cover a wide range of EHS-related topics. To give you a scheduling heads’ up, here’s a sampling of notable breakout sessions you may want to attend:
They'll share info to help SH&E pros do their jobs more effectively
April 25, 2013
CEOs and presidents and vice presidents of companies from a wide range of industries will share their experiences and offer top-level advice to Safety 2013 attendees who sit in on the Executive Summit Panel.
The conference has targeted educational sessions divided into distinct topic tracks and experience levels.
April 2, 2013
There is no other event in the WORLD that allows the opportunity to meet as many other safety professionals, get questions answered, and truly expand the horizon for the environmental, health, and safety profession.”