It’s a Saturday night December 21st and the plant is running on a skeleton crew. Operations decides to get a head start on annual preventative maintenance by knocking out several permit required confined space entries before the majority of the work is to be done when the regular shifts return after the New Year.
Things have gotten pretty bad in Washington, DC when OSHA adopts a new rule which makes its enforcement job harder and whose only beneficiary is the global chemical industry.
Confined spaces can quickly become dangerous; unknown concentrations of toxic fumes or an oxygen deficient environment can prove deadly and should be avoided.
With the February 1st deadline for posting the OSHA 300A log fast approaching, this article explores the fundamentals of OSHA recordkeeping requirements for the 301, 300 and 300A logs
Throughout 2014, ISHN will report in each issue on one of the 12 most frequently cited OSHA standards, for fiscal year 2013, ending September 30, 2013.
To maintain pace with best practices, you need to get your workplace chemical management program well beyond OSHA compliance within approximately the next 24 months.