Between a 911 call and the arrival of paramedics and an ambulance, a crucial difference to an accident victim’s recovery on a construction site can be made by the immediate onsite availability of trained employee-responders with the right first-aid equipment and supplies.
Electrical safety is a serious issue and it is imperative that plant managers, safety managers, facility managers, electricians, maintenance personnel and contractors receive proper training on the NFPA 70E-STANDARD for Electrical Safety in the Workplace. Having the necessary personal protective equipment (PPE) on hand is not enough.
A fully automatic AED gives a shock automatically, if needed, without the user having to push a button. It also communicates clear, calm, step-by-step instructions that let responders know when a victim is about to be shocked.
The following information is aimed at developing a logical thought process that comprehends many of the circumstances and alternatives of your specific eyewash and/or eye/face wash applications.