Studies show employees will not wear eye protection unless it is comfortable, fits properly, or functions well. Lens color can impact employee protection and performance levels and provide a better choice.
Workplace eye injuries from mechanical or chemical means have increased due to the rise of industrialization globally. The two most common reasons behind such injuries are either the workers were not wearing eye protection or they had worn wrong eye protection at the time of the accident.
For eyewear, as for the luxury market in general, there has been a major generational change in the consumer base with the arrival of millennials,” reports Bain & Company, one of the world's leading management consulting firms
It’s vital to provide individuals with the anti-fog (AF) lens coating that meets the rigors of the job. But an effective AF coating is only as good as they eyewear it’s on. If workers are uncomfortable in their fog-free eyewear, they’re likely to remove it.
For America’s nearly seven million construction workers, the jobs are rigorous and the hazards plentiful. Injuries to the head and eyes are among the most costly to employers.
Two of Gateway Safety’s most popular styles in safety eyewear are now camouflaged!
StarLite® – the industry leading design in safety eyewear – is now available with Classic Camo temples in a clear, gray or amber lens color.
OSHA standards clearly define mandatory compliance and requirements for employers to follow with respect to eye and face protection. Following these requirements ensures protection against chemical, environmental, and radiological hazards or mechanical irritants.
Weighing just 19.3 grams, Gateway Safety’s new safety product is one of the lightest safety glasses on the market. Ellipse™ safety eyewear features exceptional light weight, which provides superior comfort to wearers, while still meeting the rigorous U.S. Military specification for ballistic impact resistance.