Collaboration aims to enhance refining operations and workforce with advanced AI-Assisted
technologies, including a new generation of alarm management solutions.
Nobody in manufacturing deliberately violates regulations or stirs an unplanned shutdown yet machinery-related injuries consistently make the top 10 list of OSHA violations.
This powerful AI-based platform applies intelligence to raw human performance data, providing instant actionable insights through easy-to-assess outcomes and form factors. The use of AI and Computer Vision has limitless applications and is currently automating nearly every industry sector.
Automation has begun to appear in nearly every industry in various capacities. It has even started to impact medicine and health care, benefiting patients and practitioners. Here’s how automation increases safety and productivity for medical professionals in this sector.
For most industries, safety is a cost overhead. Although essential, it can slow down productivity or even, in the event of a safety incident, lead to a complete stop while issues are resolved, and investigations carried out. However, if the approach to safety changes from a reactive one to proactive, it can become an aid to achieving greater efficiency, lower costs, and higher profit margins.
Businesses can achieve maximum success during the holiday season by utilizing AI and automation in their retail shipping operations. The holiday season is critical for companies, but the increased sales often come with shipping headaches. Luckily, artificial intelligence (AI) and automation provide key solutions for simplifying shipping for businesses and customers.