In the United States, a worker dies every 96 minutes with nearly 5,500 fatal work injuries occurring in 2022, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. This represents a nearly 6% increase in fatal occupational injuries from 2021.
In this ISHN podcast episode, we talk to Duane Duhamel, whose company has been researching and analyzing workplace injuries and fatalities data every year, to discuss the findings in the latest report.
The two employees were attempting to remove soil from below a concrete slab located within a trench when the slab broke apart and collapsed, fatally crushing both workers.
With heat stress risk at the forefront of the wide world of safety this summer, we talk to athletic trainer Dr. David Berry, who teaches university courses related to injury assessments and emergency response management.
It doesn’t have to be this tragic — both indoors and outdoors when temperatures reach dangerous, extreme levels. Preventive measures are found all over the internet. But heat prevention practices, in reality, are not always easily practiced, if attempted at all.