Moving construction vehicles and equipment pose a significant risk of injury and death to workers on roadway construction worksites – risks that are heightened by poor visibility and day-to-day changes in the layout of the site.
A company-wide initiative that included management commitment and lots of employee commitment led to a 60 percent decrease in Lost Time Accident Frequency (LTAF)* at UPM, a company involved in reformation of bio and forest industries.
IFAP (Industrial Foundation for Accident Prevention) and SKILLED Group, have taken their passion for safety to the next level by joining forces to help organisations achieve recognition, who have developed an innovative safety initiative.
I really enjoy hearing from you, my readers. I recently received an email from someone who had read my book, “Mastering Safety Communication,” and they asked the following question:
A workplace safety video produced by the city of Tulsa, Oklahoma has won a state-level award, but Tulsa’s real prize may be a sharp drop in recordable injuries among city workers.
You go out to your vehicle, unlock the door, start the engine, drive off, and 20 minutes later, when you arrive at your destination … you can hardly recall what happened during your ride.
In late April, GSI Group in Bremen, Alabama, celebrated a milestone not many workplaces can hang their hat on -- four years of accident-free work. Brigitte Whaley, HR Manager at GSI Group, said the company celebrated the achievement with lunch, door prizes and giveaways for the 100 staff members who made the achievement possible.
Good training is a key element, but only part of the puzzle for vehicle safety. Employers with vehicle fleets or employees who drive are aware (or should be) that the greatest probability of an injury incident is going to be vehicle or driving related.
When we survey drivers during our training courses, we regularly have over 90% of participants rating themselves as better than average drivers. You probably fall into this group too. It’s almost certainly true; most of the time at least.