In a product area that has evolved rapidly over the last decade, the ten-year-old standard guiding fall protection use was in need of an update.
That assessment by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) led to the formation of a Z359 Committee, which developed new sub-standards that address fall restraint systems, work positioning systems, rope access systems, fall arrest systems and rescue systems.
A new standard aimed at protecting workers who install, alter or maintain communication towers offers the first comprehensive approach reducing injuries and saving lives in industry that has rapidly expanded in recent years, according to the American Society of Safety Engineers (ASSE).
ISO 45001 has been called a game-changer for the OSH profession. It’s expected that when the standard is published—likely sometime in early 2017—it will have a big effect on occupational safety and health practices.
Many sites, particularly in industries such as oil/gas and construction, may not have ready access to a clean potable water supply making the provision of Emergency Safety Showers and Eye/Facewash stations challenging.
If you’re curious about what these changes will entail, you’ve come to the right place; we’ve compiled a list of the ten major things that you need to know about the new testing standards, and how they will affect you and your customers.
After issuing a historic final rule on silica exposure limits last week, OSHA continues its burst of regulatory activity this week by publishing a final rule that updates requirements for personal protective equipment (PPE) for workers in general industry, shipyards, longshoring, marine terminals and construction.
This standard was prepared by members of ISEA’s First Aid Group and leading industry stakeholders and was approved by a consensus review panel of health and safety experts
Throughout history, technological advances have underpinned improvements in product performance and the humble Emergency Safety Shower is no exception to this rule, placing Hughes Safety Showers / Hughes North America at the vanguard of this vital safety equipment technology.