Office workers can develop damaged thumbs from texting and emailing on their phones.
Smartphones force your thumb to make repetitive, awkward movements. “We’re getting more thumb and wrist tendonitis,” says Karen Jacobs, an occupational therapist at Boston University and the founding editor of the interdisciplinary journal Work: A Journal of Prevention, Assessment and Rehabilitation. “It’s an issue we all have to be mindful of.”
For Kevin Emerick, workplace safety is no mere box to be checked on a To-Do List. It is about people. It is about family. It is about sending members of your work family home safe after each and every workday.
“With the median tenure at our company at almost 25 years, we are family, and the last thing you want to see is someone in your family get hurt or worse,” said Emerick (shown above), risk manager for Woodfold Mfg., Inc., a Forest Grove, Oregon-based company that makes custom-crafted accordion doors, roll-up doors, and hardwood shutters.
Yes, this is a story about errors – plural -- made by one person, me. I’m not going to beat myself up here. James Reason, professor emeritus at the University of Manchester (UK), and one of the seminal authorities on human error, reminds us that most errors are caused by good, competent people who are trying to do the right thing.
A controversial rule issued by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) to increase line speeds and reduce government inspections at U.S. hog slaughterhouses will lead to increased workplace injuries and a greater risk of foodborne illness, says the National Council for Occupational Safety and Health (National COSH).
A new injury has emerged in this, the digital era: “selfie wrist.”
There is no shortage of enthusiastic selfie takers these days, especially among young people, who repeatedly aim their cell phones at themselves in order to visually document their activities, friends and special locations they visit.
Rig Dog™ Xtreme offers advanced impact resistance and cut protection in three models designed for specific working conditions
September 12, 2019
Honeywell (NYSE: HON) today announced at NSC Expo a new line of award-winning, impact-resistant gloves — Rig DogTM Xtreme — designed to protect workers from hand and finger injuries while working with hammers, tools and heavy machinery typical of the oil and gas industry.
Guardian Fall Protection, a Pure Safety Group (PSG) brand, has unveiled its new HTL Horizontal Lifeline (HLL) for use in fall protection systems. The horizontal anchorage accommodates two workers in fall arrest at 30-, 60- and 100-foot lengths.
New 2019 products represent Checkmate’s expansion into North America market
September 9, 2019
Checkmate, a Pure Safety Group (PSG) brand, will unveil the line up of Checkmate Xcalibre Self-Retracting Lifelines (SRLs) for North America at the 2019 National Safety Congress & Expo in San Diego.
The lifelines range from 25 to 130 feet and are available in North America as well as Europe, as Checkmate continues to expand the availability of its product lines. The Xcalibre product line includes some of the most lightweight SRLs on the market today, with excellent serviceability and exceptional performance.
In March, 2019, United Piping, Inc, a pipeline construction company based in Duluth, MN and founded in 1997, surpassed a milestone – two million man hours worked without a lost-time injury. Key to this achievement in a hazardous industry is UPI Piping’s strong culture of safety values and practices.
Whether you are running a manufacturing business or a logistics company, material handling is going to be a critical part of your day-to-day operations. Despite automation, many companies rely on manual material handling to move finished products or raw materials within gated premises.