Congress’ bid to cut billions from public health funding is raising the ire of the American Public Health Association (APHA), which is accusing the House of robbing “Peter to pay Paul” in its latest spending proposal.
The Prevention and Public Health Fund – which makes up 12 percent of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s budget -- would lose nearly $3 billion under the latest budget proposal by the House.
Your hands and wrists are a complex system of bones, muscles and tendons, ligaments, blood vessels and nerves protected by layers of skin. A total of 27 hand and wrist bones are connected to the muscles by tendons. Ligaments join bones together and hold the joints in place.
Hundreds of deaths from coronary heart disease occur outside a hospital daily, according to OSHA, but up to 60 percent of those deaths could have been prevented if automated external defibrillators (AEDs) had been immediately available.
The Trump administration’s top health official resigned today after revelations surfaced that she bought stock in a tobacco company one month into her tenure as head of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) – an agency whose responsibilities include reducing tobacco use among Americans.
If it seems like everybody you know has or has had the flu recently, you’re not too far wrong. The CDC confirms that flu activity is currently widespread in most of the U.S.
Flu viruses are constantly changing so it’s not unusual for new flu viruses to appear each year, which keeps the CDC busy trying to anticipate the types of vaccinations that will be needed and make sure they are in sufficient supply.
Cigarette smoking among U.S. adults over 18 decreased from 20.9 percent in 2005 to 15.5 percent in 2016 - yet nearly 38 million American adults smoke cigarettes in 2016, according to data released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
Improper donning and doffing combined with reuse resulted in more viruses transferred to the hands during scenarios simulating the use of filtering facepiece respirator. The importance of covering a cough or a sneeze to prevent spreading germs to those around us, often using the crook of an elbow, is something that most of us learned before starting school. Healthcare providers typically wear personal protective equipment, such as the filtering facepiece respirator, to protect both themselves and their patients.
It’s naturally occurring and it’s just about everywhere, so we are all exposed to it. People who are regularly exposed to high radon levels, though, are at increased risk of lung cancer – especially if they smoke. Because radon is odorless and colorless, the only way to determine if your home is safe is to conduct testing.
Health experts credit tobacco control measures as one factor
January 5, 2018
The cancer death rate dropped 1.7% from 2014 to 2015, continuing a drop that began in 1991 and has reached 26%, resulting in nearly 2.4 million fewer cancer deaths during that time.
The data is reported in Cancer Statistics 2018, the American Cancer Society’s comprehensive annual report on cancer incidence, mortality, and survival.
Up to 650,000 deaths annually are associated with respiratory diseases from seasonal influenza, according to new estimates by the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), WHO and global health partners.