The newest addition to Vector Solutions' LMS offers seamless learning experiences for faster, more efficient skill development as well as increased knowledge retention and engagement.
A sturdy foundation is essential in construction to ensure the stability and integrity of the entire building. Similarly, when managers take the time to get to know their employees, they establish a solid foundation of trust and lay the groundwork for optimal performance.
Most construction leaders recognize the dangers of their profession – and how inadequate safety training contributes to that danger. But establishing a comprehensive training program isn’t easy, especially with a cross-generational workforce.
Gamification is gaining traction in a big way – the category was listed on more than a dozen Gartner Hype Cycles, the media buzz has hit a fever pitch and analysts continue to project the market to reach $2.8 billion by 2016.
1. Learning and Performance (L&P) departments will become profit centers. Learning and Performance managers plan to pump up corporate profits by creating, marketing and managing for-profit MOOCs. Training managers in medium and large companies tell us transitioning from a cost center to a profit center is a main focus for their departments.
Continuing and professional education leaders are quite accustomed to rapid change and agile adaptation. This is necessary when one’s work involves contributing to workforce development, often within a volatile self-supported environment.
1 - As an educator, it’s all about practicing what you preach. Whenever we create lessons, assignments or activities, putting ourselves in the learners’ shoes is one of the most powerful things we can do. If we want our students to thoughtfully read information presented to them, we must do the same in our own professional development.
1) Think positive- Positive emotions enhance the brain’s function, leading to creativity and strategic thinking. 2) Focus- Know which places and particular times of the day are the most conducive for you, and designate important tasks for those moments.