The primary decision when implementing a flame-resistant clothing program, and consequently the first thing specified by the majority of people, is the flame-resistant (FR) fabric brand(s).
Welders can now enjoy affordable protection from harmful particulate contaminants with the new Jackson Safety Brand R60 Airmax Powered Air Purifying Respirator (PAPR), which features a NIOSH-approved HE filter for particulate contaminants that can be easily set and locked into place.
Our company recently conducted a national survey of safety managers and executives involved in purchasing high visibility safety apparel. Comfort and quality ranked as the most important factors influencing their purchases — not price.
It might be hard to part with your most comfortable hi-vis sweatshirt or the hi-vis vest that’s kept you safe through a particularly close call, but highvisibility safety apparel needs to replaced on a regular basis in order to keep you safe on the jobsite and protect those around you.
Beyond following the regulations mandated by OSHA and your state, safety in welding is largely based on understanding hazards and awareness of your surroundings.
Approximately ten percent of all occupational deaths are from struck-by accidents, and that number increases to 26 percent in the construction industry, according to OSHA. With the weather getting warmer and the layers of clothing coming off, it’s important to make sure that the layer of high-visibility apparel stays on.
The next time you drive by a highway work zone, try to envision how it differs from one that existed a decade ago. Is there more equipment on site? Maybe. Are the barrels and barriers still orange? Most likely.