It’s no secret that falls are the leading cause of death in the construction industry. It’s critical you emphasize and address fall hazards on your worksite.
During a 45-year career, there is a one in 200 chance that a construction worker will die from a work-related incident. That’s a pretty scary statistic.
Broadly speaking, a confined space is an area that is large enough for a worker to enter and do work, but that is difficult to get in and out of easily, and not designed or intended for regular occupancy.
OSHA 1926.1201 Safety and Health Regulations for Construction: Confined Spaces in Construction
January 3, 2019
Any entity doing construction work, such as building a new structure or upgrading an old one, must follow the construction confined space rule. Because the new rule applies to all employers who perform construction activities in a confined space, safety managers in all industries should become familiar with the standard.
With powerful machinery and heavy-duty tasks, construction sites are some of the noisiest places. Not only is the industry filled with loud sounds, it is also filled with noise-induced hazards. There are over 30 million construction workers who are exposed to prolonged noise on a daily basis.
This exclusive ISHN ebook – Volume 3 – identifies the most serious construction hazards and provides protection tips and best practices. We pay particular attention to falls – the number one killer on construction sites.
In 2017 the construction industry is one of the most dynamic sectors of the U.S. economy. Residential construction, bridge erection, roadway paving, excavations, demolitions, and large scale painting jobs are all booming.