OSHA stresses in a fall prevention fact sheet that falls from roofs can be prevented. Here’s how: DO: • Wear a harness and always stay connected • Make sure your harness fits •Use guardrails or lifelines •Inspect all fall protection equipment before use •Guard or cover all holes, openings, and skylights
• Has the most suitable equipment been selected to ensure safety, including for access and evacuation? • Are ladders only used when other equipment is not justified in view of the short length and low risk of the task? •Is the scaffold erected on a firm foundation?
According to OSHA, falls can be prevented and lives can be saved through three simple steps: plan, provide and train. OSHA has partnered with the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health and National Occupational Research Agenda (NORA) - Construction Sector on a widely publicized nationwide outreach campaign to raise awareness among workers and employers about common fall hazards in construction, and how falls from ladders, scaffolds and roofs can be prevented and lives can be saved.
Falls from heights are the most common cause of injury and death. Causes include: working on a scaffold or platform without guard rails or without a safety harness correctly attached; fragile roofs; and ladders that are badly maintained, positioned and secured.
For three years now, OSHA, NIOSH (the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health) and CPWR – The Center for Construction Research and Training have cooperated to build a nationwide Campaign to Prevent Construction Falls.
An OSHA investigation initiated in response to a complaint that employees of TLD Ace Corp. were exposed to falls while removing snow from the plant's roof found additional hazards at the facility.
Honeywell (NYSE:HON) today announced the new Miller® AirCore™ Wind Energy Harness — specifically designed to provide the ultimate in fall protection safety, comfort, and productivity for wind turbine construction and maintenance workers.
NTSB names blame in Asiana crash, Europe surveys its aging workforce about hours and the stiffer penalties for texting while driving are favored. These were among the top EHS-related stories featured on ISHN.com this week.