I was probably eight to ten years of age when I first learned that gem of wisdom: Let the buyer beware. I look around today and I don’t see much evidence that buyers are aware of that truth.
Scissor lifts and aerial lifts have replaced ladders and scaffolding in many general industry workplaces due to their mobility and flexibility in allowing workers to perform certain job tasks.
Miller Vi-Go™ Ladder Climbing Safety Systems from Honeywell provide the ultimate in safety with continuous fall protection when climbing fixed ladders. The systems are available in easy-to-install kits or as a build your own option.
The American Society of Safety Engineers (ASSE) and the Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA) are launching a joint effort to raise awareness of new standards that are important for all workers and companies that install, alter or maintain communication towers.
The acquisition of a Slovenian manufacturer of descent devices in May 2016 opened new horizons to SKYLOTEC. Now, SKYLOTEC expands its rescue device product range and acquires the assets and intellectual properties of the DEUS Rescue descent device range.
OSHA has issued a Request for Information (RFI) as the agency considers updating its safety standards under Subpart E of the Occupational Safety and Health Standards in Shipyard Employment. The standards address falls in shipbuilding, ship repair, shipbreaking, and other shipyard-related employment.
Regulators and professionals have acknowledged the serious, life-threatening risks of falling objects and are instilling rules to ensure proper precautions are followed in the workplace
The Freedom Harness™, developed and engineered by CMC and Roco, is a figure-8 style fall protection harness that integrates a patent-pending SwitchPoint System