Educational ResourcesIn the Crisis Management Guidebook, 45 top communications experts from corporations, agencies and nonprofits explore innovative developments in crisis management. This guidebook includes first-hand experiences on issues ranging from internal communications to social media tactics to handling the press. 

The Crisis Management Guidebook is available at

Crisis planning means taking a long, hard look at a company, its products and services and the people who represent the company to the world. It means assessing weaknesses and vulnerabilities. It also means strategizing and creating an action plan; one that identifies teams, internal assets, lines of communication and communications protocols. This crisis communications resource will give readers proven strategies and tactics to create an effective, step-by-step crisis action plan for the next time a crisis hits.

Crisis Management Guidebook chapters include:

  • The Crisis Plan
  • Social Media
  • Media Relations
  • Internal Communications
  • Issues Management
  • Litigation PR
  • Case Studies

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Crises are a part of doing business. Handled well, they demonstrate to a company's publics that their organization puts people before profits, truth before denial and spin. When a crisis is handled poorly, it can escalate to a point of no return. The key to handling crises is to be ready ahead of time for the storm that is always on the horizon. This must-have crisis resource, takes the panic out of the initial response to a crisis and equips communicators with the skills to set the tone for the post-crisis communications, out-reach and repair efforts.

Print and digital versions are available at

PR News’ Crisis Management Guidebook will serve as a resource for public relations professionals at any organization. This guidebook delivers a comprehensive look at the inception, management and resolution of a PR crisis.