OSHA has produced a new seven-minute video that explains how an injury and illness prevention program (I2P2) can enhance workplace safety and health. The “We Can Do This” video shows a variety real-life workplaces and features commentary by OSHA chief Dr. David Michaels, a strong proponent of I2P2.
An injury and illness prevention program is a systematic process that employers can use to find and fix workplace hazards before workers get hurt. The agency's motto for I2P2 is: "Good for workers. Good for businesses. Good for America."
“Instituting these programs helps transform workplace culture and can lead to higher productivity, reduced turnover, reduced costs and greater worker satisfaction,” according to OSHA.
To learn about the basic elements of these programs and how they have been implemented by many employers with dramatic results, visit OSHA’s Injury and Illness Prevention Program topics page.