- Needs Assessment: Participation of the learner in naming what is to be learned.
- Safety in the environment between teacher and learner for learning and development.
- A sound relationship between teacher and learner for learning and development.
- Careful attention to sequence of content and reinforcement.
- Praxis: Action with reflection or learning by doing.
- Respect for learners as subjects of their own learning.
- Cognitive, affective, and psychomotor aspects: ideas, feelings, actions.
- Immediacy of the learning.
- Clear roles and role development.
- Teamwork: Using small groups.
- Engagement of the learners in what they are learning.
- Accountability: How do they know they know?
Source: Vella, J. (1994). Learning to Listen, Learning to Teach. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 3-22.