State of the EHS Nation
Exclusive results from ISHN’s 28th annual White Paper Reader Survey
Professional certifications are important/extremely important for 68% of pros
Management systems are employed by 66%. Customized plan-do-check-act systems lead the way, employed by 34%.
Job security: only 12% will have increasing job security concerns in 2013.
Corporate leadership: Twice the % of pros say leaders will be more involved and invested in EHS in 2013. (24% predict increases vs 12% predicting decreases)
Metrics are becoming more sophisticated. 51% will develop/improve leading indicator metrics in 2013.
64% of industrial hygienists will work more on leading indicators.
Zero-harm cultures: 48% will develop/sustain the vision and goal of these cultures.
Attacking serious injuries: 49% will increase efforts to reduce disabling injuries and fatalities.
Consultants: Twice the % of pros will increase use of EHS consultants in 2013 as will decrease use (21% vs. 10%).