Jobs creation and avoiding the fiscal cliff are top of mind issues of national business groups following the election. More narrow issues, such as OSHA policies and standards, are for another day, probably sometime in 2013, especially if OSHA makes noises about new standards.
Still, OSHA and other regulatory agencies face a complicated challenge: how do you justify new standards on business when even your own boss, in this case President Obama, talks constantly about jobs creation and helping businesses grow?
Here are some business group reactions to the election:
“We will continue to make our case for pro-growth energy and tax policies, and for common-sense regulation,” said the National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) President and CEO Jay Timmons.
“The (U.S.) Chamber (of Commerce) will employ all the assets of our policy experts, lobbying team, and grassroots federation to help Congress and the administration unleash the private sector and help put Americans back to work,” said Chamber President and CEO Thomas J. Donohue.
In 2011, the Business Roundtable issued this position statement: “Business Roundtable urges swift action by both the Administration and Congress to relieve U.S. companies of burdensome regulations that threaten economic recovery and throttle job creation.
“Against the backdrop of fragile recovery, a government-wide review of regulation must begin with an assessment of the cumulative effect of the total regulatory burden on the macro economy.
“The government should seek, or require agencies to seek, public input to help identify candidate regulations for close review and potential modification.”
After the presidential election, the Business Roundtable’s President John Engler said: “BRT CEOs have consistently championed policies that encourage innovation and investment while knocking down barriers to economic growth and job creation. The White House and Congress should streamline the federal regulatory process.”