Executive Edge Track
Leadership engagement is a critical success factor in meeting today’s EHS challenges. A team of industry experts who have led their organizations to EHS excellence has developed the Executive Edge Track for the NSC 2011 Congress & Expo.
Professional Development
Seminars will be offered Sunday, October 30 and Wednesday, November 2 – Friday, November 4. Choose from more than 25 offered. You can also earn Continuing Education Units (CEUs), Continuance of Certification (COC) and Certification Maintenance (CM) credits.
The Expo Marketplace
October 31 – November 2
With more than 800 companies on display and more than 12,000 colleagues, the NSC Congress & Expo is the safety, health and environmental industries’ leading networking event.
Future Dates
NSC 2012 Congress & Expo
Congress: October 21 - October 26, 2012
Expo: October 22 - 24, 2012
Orlando, Florida
NSC 2013 Congress & Expo - 100 Year Anniversary!
Congress: September 29 - October 4, 2013
Expo: September 30 - October 2, 2013
Chicago, Illinois
Meet Your Sponsor
The National Safety Council saves lives by preventing injuries and deaths at work, in homes and communities, and on the roads through leadership, research, education and advocacy.
By 2014, the council will save an additional 10,000 lives and prevent one million injuries. We encourage businesses and individuals to get involved, and we provide a variety of ways to do so. Check out the Get Involved section of the NSC Website.
Outside the Congress
Start your visit to Philadelphia at the Independence Visitor Center. The Visitor Center is your one-stop-shop for all you need during your stay in the Philadelphia region. The National Constitution Center in Historic Philadelphia is America’s most interactive history museum. Located a short ten-minute walk from the Convention Center, it is the only museum devoted to the U.S. Constitution. South Street is one of Philadelphia’s liveliest and eclectic streets. With more than 300 stores and restaurants, South Street stays up late with many shops open from noon ‘til midnight.
Show at a glance:
WHAT: National Safety Council 2011 Congress & Expo – “The Journey Continues”
WHERE: Philadelphia Convention Center, Philadelphia, PA
WHEN: Congress: October 30 – November 4; Expo: October 31 – November 2
HOT TOPIC: Professional development, networking, executive management
National Safety Council
1121 Spring Lake Drive; Itasca, IL 60143-3201
(800) 621-7615; (630) 285-1121
(630) 285-1315 fax
General Info: (800) 621-7615
Safety Products & Training: (800) 621-7619
Customer Service: customerservice@nsc.org
Attendee / Registration Information Online Registration opens May 17 at www.congress.nsc.org.
NSC Customer Service: (800) 621-7619; customerservice@nsc.org.