Presentation topics will include:
- Overview of fit testing
- NIOSH respirator certification
- New respirator fit test panel
- Results of testing using the new panel
- Understand the value of fit testing
- Categorize facial characteristics that affect respirator users
- Identify applicable fit testing methodologies that can be applied within their own organizations
TeleWeb Virtual Seminars let participants view live presentations without leaving their home or office. Using the Internet and a telephone to access the seminars allows multiple attendees to participate for the cost of a single registration.
To register for “The Value of Anthropometrics,” call (800) 651-7916 or For registrations made by March 7, 2008, the cost is $295 for AIHA members and $325 for nonmembers. After March 7, tuition will be an additional $100 for both members and nonmembers. Materials will be sent to each site that registers and may be duplicated for each participant.