The Laser Institute of America (LIA) has renewed its alliance with the OSHA to continue providing its members with important information to help prevent exposure to laser beam and non-beam hazards in industrial and medical workplaces.
"Through this cooperative alliance, OSHA and the LIA are focusing on sharing information on laser regulations and standards, the bioeffects that lasers have on the eyes and skin, laser control measures, and laser safety program administration," said Edwin G. Foulke Jr., Assistant Secretary of Labor for OSHA.
For example, the alliance has produced the Laser Safety Information Bulletin, which was also developed into a podcast by the LIA. According to Foulke, this information is beneficial to employers and employees in the medical, industrial, military, research and development, and optical fiber communications industries.
"LIA is pleased to renew this alliance, which gives us an opportunity to continue the partnership with OSHA on laser safety training and education in the workplace," said Peter Baker, LIA's Executive Director. "We are committed to working together with OSHA to educate not only their employees but all laser users on the safe use of lasers."
Through the alliance, LIA members contribute information about laser safety to the online editorial boards on four of OSHA's Safety and Health Topics pages.
Laser Institute of America is the international society for laser applications and safety. LIA is the secretariat and publisher of the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Z136 series of laser safety standards.
OSHA renews alliance with laser safety group (9/10)
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