- Sources of occupational safety and health information currently used by the different sector trade associations and labor unions,
- OS&H information presently being disseminated by these different trade associations and labor unions to their members,
- Channels of communication within the different sector associations and unions used to disseminate OS&H information,
- Needs for specific types of OS&H information, especially those needs not presently being serviced,
- OSH concerns of industry trade associations and labor unions,
- Awareness and perception of NIOSH as a source of OS&H information,
- Use of NIOSH information services (Web site, printed materials, 800 number, etc.),
- Usefulness of NIOSH information to address their OS&H concerns and
- Credibility of NIOSH as a trusted source of occupational safety and health information.
The ultimate desired outcome of this project is to reduce illness and injury for workers on jobs and tasks which pose high risks.
Visit http://edocket.access.gpo.gov/2007/E7-6912.htm.