The UN International Labour Organization (ILO) staged memorials, marches, symposia and talk shows across the globe, including a performance by the New York City Labour Choir at the Commission for Sustainable Development meeting at UN Headquarters. ILO estimates that more than two million people die from work-related causes every year, including some 22,000 children, 750,000 women and 1.5 million men.
"A safety culture must be nurtured through partnership and dialogue — governments, employers and workers within a framework of rights, responsibilities and duties, finding common ground, creating safe and healthy work places," ILO Director-General Juan Somavia said in a message.
The December 1984 Bhopal accident, which drew increased attention to ways of preventing industrial accidents, killed 2,500 people then and 20,000 people later, while injuring more than 200,000.