Four homeland security grants were awarded to:
Construction Safety Council, Hillside, Ill. The grantee will deliver hazard awareness classes on emergency response in the event of natural or man-made disasters. The council will develop a generalized planning tool for all types of disasters to be used as a framework for developing guidelines for preventing and mitigating airborne contaminant exposures. A training program will focus on hazards associated with rescue, recovery and demolition/removal activities. Grant: $168,754.
Employers Association, Inc., Plymouth, Minn. The grantee will develop separate training programs for employees and management that address emergency preparedness and response. The programs will address emergency action plans, evacuation procedures, security, suspicious letters and parcels, and biological and chemical hazards. Grant: $77,605.
Laborers-AGC Education & Training Fund, Pomfret, Conn. The grantee will develop and implement a program to train workers involved in anthrax remediation. The course will address characteristics of anthrax, health effects, signs and symptoms of exposure, PPE, decontamination, workplace monitoring and sampling, and remediation techniques. Grant: $282,419.
York Area Labor-Management Council, York, Pa. The council will develop a four-hour emergency action program that addresses homeland security, emergency response, and disaster plan development for small businesses. The council will also develop and present teleconferences. Grant: $65,000.