OSHA has decided to retain the hearing loss column in its recordkeeping log. But OSHA has decided to delay the 1904.10(b)(7) requirements until January 1, 2004. There is not enough time to implement the requirement for use in 2003, according to the agency.

By providing a separate 300 Log column for this disorder, the data for hearing loss will be summarized by the employer at the end of the year, and will be captured by the Bureau of Labor Statistics when sampled employers submit their summary injury and illness information. Thus, national statistics will be available, for the first time, that include cases that result in days away from work and those that do not.

Since OSHA recently published new criteria for recording occupational hearing loss that will result in consistent data capture of significant hearing loss cases (67 FR 44037-44048), the column can be used by BLS to generate useful, consistent and accurate statistics for the nation, according to OSHA.