- Provide and maintain a working environment, including plants and systems of work, that are safe for employees and without risk to their health;
- Conduct work in a manner such that the environment is not adversely impacted by the process or its waste byproducts;
- Ensure that routine inspections of the workplace are conducted to identify and evaluate hazardous conditions and work practices;
- Encourage employee reporting of workplace hazards/conditions;
- Not allow work to continue if the safety or health of the worker(s) may be compromised or if the environment may be adversely affected;
- Correct discovered hazards and/or protect individuals from these hazards;
- Train workers in hazard recognition, general and job-specific health and safety policies, practices, and procedures, and the regulations and statutes that apply to their work;
- Conduct training when an employee is hired or is given a new assignment for which training has not previously been received, and whenever new hazards are created by new substances, processes, or equipment; and
- Train managers in EHS policies, including a nondiscrimination policy for reporting hazardous conditions.
How does your safety & health program stack up?
Trying to improve conditions in the world’s sweatshops, the American Industrial Hygiene Association recently endorsed these universal environmental health and safety responsibilities on the part of employers everywhere:
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