OSHA's steel erection standard will go into effect January 18, 2002. The original effective date was to be July 18, 2001, but a White House review of regulations issued at the end of the Clinton administration delayed the rule.

OSHA will not apply the component requirements of the new standard to the following two situations: (1) to components used in steel erection projects where the building permit was obtained before the final rule was published (January 18, 2001); and (2) to components used in steel erection projects in which the steel erection work has begun before September 16, 2001.

OSHA's new rule on steel erection, developed in concert with industry and union groups, is expected to prevent 30 fatalities and 1,142 injuries annually and save employers nearly $40 million a year.

The standard enhances protections provided to iron workers by addressing the hazards that have been identified as the major causes of injuries and fatalities in the steel erection industry: working under loads; hoisting, landing and placing decking; column stability; double connections; landing and placing steel joints; and falls to lower levels.
