There are four crucial questions you should be asking, according to OSHA. The detailed answers are found in the four modules of OSHA’s Safety and Health Management System eCat. eCATs are electronic Compliance Assistance Tools that provide guidance information for developing a comprehensive safety and health program.
What ROI can S&H programs provide?
- Improved employee morale
- Decreased lost time
- Fewer workplace injuries and illnesses
- Lower insurance costs
- Safety culture
How can S&H become part of the way our business runs?
- Combine performance standards with S&H standards
- Talk the talk and walk the walk
- Top down support
- Bottom up
What indicators tell me if I’m getting weaker or stronger?
- Statistical reports
- Opinion surveys
- Risk analysis
- Periodic inspections
- Process improvement initiatives
What practices are best for assuring lasting success?
- Obtain management buy-in
- Build trust
- Conduct self-assessments
- Develop a site safety vision
- Develop a system of accountability and measures
- Implement recognition and rewards
- Provide awareness training
- Implement process changes
- Continually measure, communicate results and celebrate successes.
Although safety and health Programs are required by some states, there is no general OSHA requirement for such a program. This eCAT includes elements that go beyond specific OSHA mandates, such as recommendations for good industry practice. As indicated in the disclaimer, eCATs do not create new OSHA requirements. To access this eCAT, visit OSHA’s Web site