The Monster Meter poll asked 2,324 British workers: “Would you consider taking a lower paid job for a less stressful lifestyle?†The survey revealed:
Stress at work is a larger public issue in the United Kingdom than here in the U.S. Stress on the job costs the British economy more than $170 billion a year in lost output, according to the mental health charity, Mind.
Research by the United Kingdom's Health and Safety Executive indicates up to five million people feel “very†or “extremely†stressed by their work.
“Workers are more aware that it’s possible to put both their health and families before their jobs,†explains Alan Townsend, regional managing director of Monster UK and Ireland. “As more people take career breaks, opt for flexible working or return refreshed from summer holidays, they are re-evaluating their options. However, pressure is part and parcel of most jobs and helps motivate a lot people. The key is to maintain a good work-life balance.â€