Elected for a seat on the ASSE Board of Directors were Senior Vice President Michael W. Thompson, CSP, of Houston, TX; Vice President Council on Professional Affairs Thomas W. Lawrence, Jr., CSP, P.E., of St. Louis, MO; Vice President Council on Professional Development Richard A. Pollock, CSP, Minneapolis, MN; Vice President for Region I Terrie Norris, CSP, ARM, CPSI, of Calabasas, CA; Vice President for Region III Richard R. Bourlon, P.E., CSP, ALCM, of Dallas, TX; Vice President for Region V Christopher Patton, CSP, OHST of St. Louis, MO; and, Vice President for Region VII Michael W. Hayslip, Esq., P.E., CSP, of Dayton, OH.
The annual American Industrial Hygiene Conference and Exposition (AIHce) in Anaheim, Calif., May 21-26, marks the beginning of the term of Roy M. Buchan, DrPH, CIH, as president; Frank M. Renshaw, PhD, CIH, CSP, as president-elect; Donna M. Doganiero, CIH, as past president; and Cathy L. Cole, CIH, as secretary. Lindsay E. Booher, CIH, CSP, will continue his term as treasurer.
The results of the AIHA election are as follows:
AIHA's remaining board members for 2004-2005 include: Harry Beaulieu, PhD, CIH, CSP; Marshall S. Denhoff, CIH, ROH; Allen Fleeger, CIH, CSP; Stephen H. Gutmann, CIH, CPE; Cynthia Ostrowski-Jewell, CIH; and Elizabeth L. Pullen, CIH.