AIHA President Kathleen S. Murphy released an announcement on Wednesday, April 15 regarding the June AIHce conference and expo. She shared a video message as well as a guide for those already registered for the live conference detailing options.
The following is her letter:
"After carefully weighing various options including the possibility of cancelling or postponing AIHce EXP 2020, the AIHA staff and Board of Directors have decided to move forward with a VIRTUAL ONLY conference and expo to be held June 1 – 3, 2020, as well as virtual PDCs being held June 4 - 5 and 8 -12.
We acknowledge that this may not be the best option for some; however, after receiving feedback from hundreds of people over the past month, it became abundantly clear that we needed to offer our members and customers an opportunity to earn a significant number of credit hours (up to 19) to maintain their credentials this year. Further, the new virtual program will include sessions related to pandemics and COVID-19, thereby making the education cutting-edge and immediately implementable, especially during this time. Other features that will be included in Virtual AIHce EXP 2020 are: a virtual Expo Hall, Learning Pavilion sessions, a Virtual AIHF Fun Run, and topic-specific chat rooms for exhibitors to engage with virtual attendees throughout the program.
I encourage you to please watch the video message that Bethany Chirico and I prepared for you. It recaps the thinking process and due diligence that went into making this final decision and guides you through what you need to do (and do not need to do) to become a virtual conference registrant.
Click here for a quick guide for those already registered for the live conference outlining your options related to converting to virtual participation, deferral, or refund.
For those who have not yet registered, we invite you to join us and have therefore extended the advance rate deadline to May 4. Further details and instructions can be found on the conference website.
Thank you for your patience and understanding over the past few weeks while we carefully thought through the best approach to deliver quality education to the majority of our members and customers this year. We wish you the very best and hope that you will be able to participate in Virtual AIHce EXP 2020."
Kathleen Murphy, CIH
AIHA President