Three major transportation construction contractors are challenging their peers to reach a goal that could save lives: have at least 25 of their employees each year earn a Safety Certification for Transportation Project Professionals™ (SCTPP) credential

Nearly 50,000 people are killed or injured annually while working on transportation infrastructure construction projects in the U.S.

In an effort to reduce that number, the American Road & Transportation Builders Association (ARTBA) Foundation, along with top industry executives and safety advocates, launched the SCTPP in fall 2016. In May 2018, the SCTPP earned the “seal of approval” from the American National Standards Institute (ANSI), making it the only internationally-accredited safety program in the transportation construction industry.

The credential is aimed at workers, supervisors, foremen, inspectors, designers, planners, equipment operators, manufacturers, materials suppliers and owners who will learn the core competencies necessary to identify and mitigate potentially life-threatening onsite risks.

As of this month, 383 professionals from 83 companies and agencies in 37 states and D.C. have passed the exam and earned the credential.

Now, ARTBA Chairman Bob Alger, chairman of The Lane Construction Corporation; Ross Myers, chairman and CEO of Allan Myers, and David Walls, president and CEO of Austin Industries, are reaching out to others within their industry in order to spread the word about the SCTPP even further.

“Superior Construction prioritizes safety as a core value within our organization,” said Bryan Stone, the company’s safety director. “The safety certification program allows us to demonstrate that value by challenging our leaders in both the office and field to prepare for and earn this important credential.”

To learn more about the certification exam and eligibility requirements, visit: