As high school and college students get ready to put away the books and start summer jobs, OSHA hopes the #MySafeSummerJob program will help keep them safe in their new endeavors.

#MySafeSummerJob offers information for both employers and employees about occupational safety for young people – who generally have less experience and training and a lower awareness of hazards than older workers.

The leading cause of injury to young employees: slips, trips and falls, according to OSHA. These are also easily preventable, by cleaning up spills, moving clutter out of walkways, and wearing proper footwear.

Here are five key workplace safety tips for young workers to remember:

  1. Get training about workplace hazards and always use required safety gear
  2. Ask questions if you don’t understand instructions or if something seems unsafe
  3. Immediately report unsafe conditions to your supervisor
  4. You can contact OSHA at 1-800-321-6742 to ask questions or to report an unsafe workspace
  5. No one can punish you for reporting unsafe conditions or injuries, or for contacting OSHA

For more information, click here for free #MySafeSummerJob materials or visit OSHA’s website for young workers. Follow the hashtag #MySafeSummerJob on Twitter.