Sprains, strains, and tears were the most frequently occurring injuries resulting in lost worktime, transfer, or restriction in five of the six industries studied in Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) data.

According to WorkersCompensation.com, more of these cases resulted in days of job transfer or restriction than days away from work in crop production; transportation equipment manufacturing; and amusement, gambling, and recreation. In truck transportation, however, more of these injuries resulted in days away from work than job transfer or restriction.

Cuts and lacerations resulted in more cases of job transfer or restriction than days away from work in crop production and transportation equipment manufacturing. Fractures usually are severe injuries. In all six industries studied, workers who sustained fractures more often had days away from work than job transfer or restriction.

Workers who suffer severe injuries or illnesses on the job may take days away from work to recover, or they may return to work immediately in a different job or with restricted tasks. The type and severity of the injury affect whether a worker takes time away to recover, returns to work on light or restricted duty, or transfers to another job while they recover.

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Source: WorkersCompensation.com