Are you prepared to address the needs of an aging workforce? An educational session Tuesday focused on how to create a focused strategy to promote healthy aging in your workforce.

The experts, Peggy Ross and Teresa Jeka, both of Baxter Healthcare, explored physiological changes associated with aging; dispelled myths based on new research; and distinguished between modifiable vs. non-modifiable changes. They taught attendees techniques to promote healthy aging and injury prevention, as well as discussed how to develop a site specific strategy to support graceful aging.

Some tips and techniques to keep in mind when dealing with older workers are to make the workplace more flexible, allowing for differences in schedules and preferences a well as sick leave; better match tasks to abilities; offer employees the ability to take multiple breaks throughout the day and avoid sitting in one position for long periods of time; provide ergonomically-friendly work environments, which offers health benefits both younger and older workers; promote healthy habits in the workplace; invest in building workers’ skill at all levels by offering educational opportunities.