The day set aside each year to honor workers who have died on the job or because of the job is fast approaching, and a variety of events related to it are being finalized.

Workers' Memorial Day is observed every year in the U.S. on April 28 – the day OSHA was established in 1971. Under the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970, employers are responsible for providing safe and healthful workplaces for their workers.

Workers' Memorial Day events will take place around the country:

  • In Peoria, Illinois, the names of the dead will be read aloud in a solemn ceremony.
  • Activities in Bridgeport, Connecticut will focus on a specific tragedy: the April 23, 1987 collapse of the L’Ambiance Place, which killed 28 workers.
  • In Baton Rouge, Louisiana, a resolution about Workers’ Memorial Day will be read on the floor of the State's House of Representatives

Click here for OSHA’s interactive map on Workers’ Memorial Day, which allows you to view events in different regions of the country.

In addition to remembering those who have suffered and died on the job, the AFL-CIO plans to observe Workers Memorial Day by renewing the fight for safe jobs.

Click here for the AFL-CIO’s list of Workers Memorial Day events near you.